Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mtg Sacrificial Bam Deck Ebay


Backlight type of photographic situation is fairly well defined. Participates in the following factors:
a) There is a very bright light source in relation to the ambient light (in case it exists). Appears directly in the frame to a greater or lesser extent. Usually occupy a small part of it.
b) Between the lens and light source have a range of subjects. These are illuminated by the source, but have a dark side to the target (strictly, without metaphors).
c) The photographer intention is not to show other details of the dark side of these subjects. Established
these premises, photographic technique for obtaining this kind of photography is very simple. Simply perform a spot metering on the brightest source of light. But like everything in life, there are subtle differences. In fact, depending on the values \u200b\u200bof two independent variables, we get slightly different pictures. One of them is the difference in brightness between the light bulb and the rest. The other is the decision we make about whether to measure exposure at exactly the point of greatest or luminosity or brightness in some slightly lower. In a situation of great contrast of light and measuring the highest point, which appears in the photograph are usually silhouettes.
In the event that the light source is the sun, these photographs are usually done at dawn or dusk. Simply the probability of getting subject line that goes from the lens at the sun is much more likely that when the sun is high in the sky.
With respect to paragraph c) is Ășltil comment that the use of fill flash photography is done in situations that are cousins \u200b\u200bof the backlight, but the photographer's intent here is to balance the brightness of the dark side of the subject (usually a person) the rest of the picture.
The picture that heads this article is an example of a moderate backlight. The dark areas maintain a certain level of detail and do not collapse to pure black. It was taken in the early hours of the morning and can see the sun filtering through the branches of a tree.


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