Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wording For Football Birthday Invitations

Objectives Using Stabilized

When we use a stabilized lens to be aware of some specific circumstances, whether limited or inadequate understanding of its operation, enabling us to get maximum benefit:
a) Subject to
Because movement way in which advertising is usually presented on targets stabilized, the user may confuse what are the right conditions for its operation. It is often said that a stabilized lens allows shooting at shutter speeds of 3 to 4 steps slower without blurring appears. But there is one important nuance. Take the example of a previous article.
We are at 11 morning trying to get a picture of a flower. The lighting is correct. Since the flower is not very large, using a stabilized 18-200 lens must select a focal length of 150. Suppose that the maximum focal length aperture is f5 can use, for example. Consider the lighting conditions are such that the integrated camera meter tells us that the proper shutter speed is 1 / 30 sec.
We know that in order to trigger the camera by hand without showing blur due to vibration should use obtuación speed of 1 / 180 sec. (Assuming sensor APS-C). Since our goal is wonderful and allows stable shooting with less than 4 steps without causing the blurring due to vibration, ie 1 / 20 sec. we understand that 1 / 30 sec. is a faster shutter speed to 1 / 20 sec. and therefore we have a reasonable assurance of obtaining a perfectly clear. We
and blurry picture. What the hell happened?. What we are wrong?.
What has happened is we have not taken into account at that time running a slight breeze that moves the flower and the speed of 1 / 30 sec. is too slow to freeze the movement. Therefore
: stabilization objectives can avoid blurring due the movement of the camera, but NOT the motion because the subjects themselves.
b) Using a tripod, use a tripod
When the rule is simple: OFF stabilization system. If we do not, the system automatically start the process and run the risk of compensation is made unnecessary. In general, the blurring due to this circumstance is rather limited and does not always occur. But why risk?.
c) Sampling.
This topic is quite technical. The problem is that the information provided by motion sensors is not continuous, but occurs from time to time. For Nikon goals each 1 / 1000 sec. Therefore
engines will receive data to modify the position of the vibration compensation lens every millisecond. In fact the theory of information to detect a "change" is held every 1 / 500 sec. And there's a problem. If you use faster shutter speeds to 1 / 500 sec. the target when exposure occurs may be in a different position for the last measurement. And it can produce a slight blur.
Actually amateur photographers this problem affects us little, because our objectives are not bright sufientes to shutter speeds above 1 / 500 sec. are common. In contrast to the professionals yes that might affect them more.


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