Sunday, October 24, 2010

Male Bodybuilder Waxing

New features in digital SLRs. Are they really necessary? Objectives

The evolution of technical advances in the field of digital photography is absolutely stunning. Perhaps the most explosive after that happens in the field of mobile telephony. But often the question arises whether it is focused on the real needs of the user, or go to the slipstream of the marketing campaigns of companies sector.
If we look at the history of developments in recent years in the field of digital SLRs with an overview we certainly surprising.
During the early years of the first decade of the twenty-first century were fundamental commitment megapixels. Each new model is introduced to the market boasts more pixels than the last. But it was an outrageous race to nowhere. First, because a greater number of pixels only important for large format printing. And most photographers INMESA-fans-print their photographs in A4 format. For this size 10 Mpx is more than enough. Not to mention that many others only display your photos on your computer. And with this, supposedly low-resolution photograph can be shown only partially in common monitors. More megapixels in a constant size sensor only bring more noise to the picture. After the bitter struggle
marketing was diverted to the video recording capabilities. Recently, high-definition formats.
The obvious question is: If there are already specific devices for recording video, so why try to incorporate this feature to cameras? Certainly a video camera with a suitable storage device, such as Recent solid state drives, will this work with greater efficiency than any camera, at a lower cost.
Some claimed improvements in the evolution of the cameras are really questionable. As an example, the following three:
  • anyone is willing to trust blindly in the mechanisms of elimination of the sensor motes, if you change targets frequently in dirty environments?. Do
  • LiveView systems (Live image) that approximate the use of a digital SLR camera to a compact, meaning that the frame is done directly on the TFT back are really useful for the photographer amateur?.
  • EVIL "The new cameras, which eliminate the optical viewfinder and replaced by an electronic viewfinder (sometimes as an accessory) represent a real advantage, apart from size, on a conventional digital SLR?.
And finally, does the IAEA latest trend on the horizon: the new cameras are able to get a screenshot in 3D are the type of device that we really need?. Does anyone believe in their right mind, that the photographs will be viewed on a 3D TV with the concurrence required special glasses?
Personally, my view on this is that camera manufacturers should focus on enhancing those aspects most directly related to quality photo capture. As shown in two examples:
Reduce noise in high ISO values \u200b\u200ballow us to play with this variable with greater confidence and allow us to capture moving objects in non-ideal lighting conditions.
increase the dynamic range of the sensors allow us to get pictures with a similar appearance to those obtained with a moderate use of HDR software, without having to make several shots and then doing the process on the computer.
I am quite sure that it is easy to give more examples of new features that the vast majority do not need and also other improvements current itself would represent a real advantage in what is really important: making photographs capture the best possible conditions.


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