Sunday, June 27, 2010

Is Destitin Safe To Use On Dogs

and Scanning (Panning)

Consider the bar as a photographic technique could be considered really over because it depends too heavily on luck. In essence, consists of photographing a moving subject so that obtained making it appear as sharp as possible while the background is blurred. To do this is to pull the trigger and hold it for a moment in which we simultaneously the camera follows the subject in its path. This depends on too psychomotor factors as to enable us to ensure the taking of a particular photograph in specific conditions. But there are things you can do:

a) If moving subjects, cyclists, cars, etc. We recommend using a telephoto lens.
first for safety. We must be as far away as possible from the moving subject.
Second, because it be further from monitoring the movement of the camera will be lower, which will enable us to obtain the image reasonably sharp.
b) must choose in advance a suitable background. A fund that is easily "focus", or whatever it is, as uniform as possible.
c) It is important to measurement of exposure in advance and work in manual mode. Here is one of the practical problems of this kind of photography. There are two contradictory needs.
one hand it is appropriate that we open the aperture as possible (small f number) to facilitate the task of blurring the background. We should note that this will blur overlapping two very different types. Optical blur produced in areas not covered in the range of depth of field and blur caused by camera shake.
On the other hand, we need a time of relatively slow shutter release so you can continue to record the scene with the shutter-release button for a while. Obviously
a wide open aperture usually requires a fast shutter speed. Similarly, for the second course, a slow shutter speed often requires a more closed aperture. Thus we get a balance, with light conditions as a judge making final.
d) Finally the most important piece, stolen in the first paragraph, which refers to how to focus. On this there are many alternatives. I personally recommend that requires using the AF-ON button. It basically consists of the following:
About the area on which is supposed to spend the subject autofocus is performed using the AF-ON button. If we keep pressing, but we move the camera pointed in other directions, it stays. The subject is approaching, put your finger on the trigger. When we consider that the frame is correct press the shutter. No autofocus attempt occurs. We continue with the camera at the subject while keeping a finger pressed the trigger and another AF-ON button. When we consider it appropriate to withdraw the finger from the trigger and voila: A great photo scanning achieved. Or not. Pictured
this article appears headed diecitantos attempt made to these assumptions in a bike race held Albacete mid-June. We used the fence surrounding the park as a suitable background.


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