Friday, June 4, 2010

Polaris Xtra10 Removed Blocks

The picture I have obtained approximation is it? Depth of Field

When a photographer is about to experience in the field of photography Approach, a recurring question is whether a particular decision made meets the criteria that could qualify it this way or not.
already know that the main feature is that the reproduction ratio is greater than 10, or whatever it is, that the size of the image is at most a tenth of the real subject and so the situation, specifically called Macro Photography, in which the image size is similar or even slightly higher.
From a practical standpoint, the amateur photographer probably using an objective of the so-called Macro. On such objectives can lead to some confusion because, contrary to his own name, many of them can not get real macro photography, but merely close-ups. Another possible alternative approach would be to use lenses. The resulting quality is lower but the cost is significantly lower. The other gadgets are usually limited to professional use and therefore outside the scope of this article.
There are actually two different mechanisms for confidence that a particular photograph meets the requirements of the Stock Approach:
a) First, if we use a macro lens, it is possible that we have a focus limiter. This means you can only focus on a limited range of distances. Then we can focus at close range or from middle distance to infinity. If we focus at close range, the limiter is active and we know we are presumably in the scope of this type of photography.
But the key issue is to carefully read the lens manual. (Yes, the objectives have manuals and is very convenient read). To give a concrete example, the Tamron 90 f2.8 if the focus distance is less than 1 meter, you are guaranteed that the image obtained will be at most 10 times smaller than the actual subject. That is, we are squarely within the definition of photography.
b) Secondly, we use the criterion of the size of the frame. Let me explain: We know, for example, if your camera body using the APS-C format, this means that the sensor size is approximately 16x25 mm. In this case if the frame of the real world has a maximum size of 16x25 cm, the image obtained will be within the parameters of the photography.
A common situation in which this restriction is checked often, for example, when photographing a single flower.


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