Sunday, September 14, 2008

Battery With Highest Cranking Amps

Sex, laughs and dversión ... Tardor

What is the difference between a vibrator and a dildo?

This is for example one of the questions can be answered during a meeting of tupper-sex. First of all say that there is no talk of dildos, and that women do not have to comfort of all, the correct name is "dildo."
A vibrator sex toy is any, in any manner whatsoever (phallic butterfly finger) that emits vibrations or broken and runs on batteries or electricity and a dildo is an object designed for vaginal or anal insertion but not vibrates.
Sometimes we think that the dildo is a new gadget but if we do we will be very wrong, its history goes back thousands of years ago.
The oldest dildo archaeologists discovered it in Harappa, Pakistan, dating back to 4000 BC It is assumed who had a role in religious and sexual rituals its name due to a suspected Latin word "dilatare" meaning dilate or open, or possibly, according to other versions, the Italian word "dilettare" meaning enjoy, entertain, or give pleasure.
In Greek times, were made of clay or glass, is called olisbos and sold to single women for your pleasure. Also made of leather and strapped served for intercourse among lesbian couples.
During the Middle Ages, was considered sinful object yet reached its peak during the Renaissance, in the seventeenth century. Made of wood or leather, to prevent uncomfortable rubbing needed use plenty of olive oil as a lubricant.
In Chinese medicine was very common to have one and was normal (also for men) that a woman had at least one at home.
In our Western culture, women suffering from irritability, anxiety, excessive lubrication, were diagnosed with "hysteria" according to Aristotle, evil, and were unsatisfied matrix cured by doctors using the dildo. The patient healed when the "treatment" of the body vibrations occurred, flushing, wheezing. Orgasm "maybe?
In the early 20, became the subject again in a pornographic and anti-feminist and the seventies in the U.S. and northern European women's sexuality undergoes a radical change (thanks to the pill) and the dildo was generally accepted and considered politically correct by feminists.
Today, increasingly free of social stigma, the dildo becomes one of favorite sex toys, both by women as by men.
So you know girls and boys ... put a dildo in your life. Sense


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