Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Are Brown Spots On Stainless Steel Cutlery

Teatro We start the registration for the workshops of October

For this October, we offer the following courses:

Day October 11 . workroom, will last approximately 4 hours. Our goal is that during this time you learn to change a plug, use a drill or unclogging a drain and these small little things we can do ourselves without having to go to a professional. If you sign up and have any suggestions about a specific topic that want to try let us know in advance and try to include in the session. Registration
7 euros

Days 25 and 26 October. Get more on most of your compact camera , this workshop will last an entire weekend for approximately 8 hours. The aim of this course is to let all your photos in automatic mode or if you decide to make this system at least know the functions that is your compact digital camera. In order to meet all those functions that exist in your digital camera and you never dared to use. 10 euros Registration

To register for any courses you should send an e-mail @ sensefi.associacio with your personal data: name, date of birth, telephone and e-mail, and we will contact you.


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